You should first be aware of your legal rights if a drunk driver damages you. Hiring an accident attorney from one of the numerous renowned law firms will be easy if you search online for “accident attorney near me.” Depending on the severity of your injuries, you have the right to collect economic damages up to $50,000. In addition, you are also entitled to damages for pain and suffering and economic losses.
You may be entitled to compensation if you have been hit by a drunk driver and suffered personal injuries. In addition, you can file a personal injury claim against the driver, which will help you prove negligence and obtain a settlement for your injuries. It is also important to cooperate with the police and prosecutors in the case to protect other drivers.
The compensation you can receive will depend on the type and severity of injuries you sustained. You may receive damages for lost wages or medical bills necessary for treating your injuries. In addition, you may be entitled to punitive damages, which are awarded as a deterrent to prevent other drunk drivers from doing the same thing again.
The compensation you receive after being hit by a drunk driver depends on the extent of your injuries. In many cases, insurance companies will pay up to $50,000. However, if your damages exceed this amount, you may have to file a civil suit to receive a higher amount. You can also get compensation if more than one person is injured in the accident.
Liability of a Drunk Driver
If a drunk driver hits you, you may be able to file a civil claim for damages. You should know the legal requirements you must meet to file a claim. In addition to your insurance coverage, you will want to ensure the other driver has at least liability insurance. If the other driver’s insurance is low or nonexistent, you may be able to pursue an uninsured motorist claim against them. The uninsured motorist coverage will cover the excess amount not covered by the drunk driver’s insurance. It is important to get this coverage before the accident to ensure you’re prepared. With many liable parties, DUI accidents are often complicated, so it is important to speak with an experienced attorney about your case.
You can ask for compensation for your medical bills and the pain and suffering during your claim. You can also seek compensation for your lost wages. You can seek compensation if you have been out of work for weeks or even months. In some cases, you may not be able to return to work. In these cases, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim against the drunk driver.
Punitive Damages
You may be entitled to punitive damages if you have been involved in a car accident with a drunk driver. In addition to compensating you for your medical bills and expenses, you may also be entitled to recover lost wages. However, punitive damages are only available through a civil lawsuit. To receive this compensation, you must prove the driver was reckless or intentionally driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In addition, you must gather witnesses at the scene who could attest to the drunk driver’s recklessness.
In Virginia, the state has established a law that recognizes the dangers of drunk driving and provides punitive damages for victims of drunk drivers. These damages do not involve criminal proceedings and are intended to warn future drunk drivers that committing an offense will not be tolerated.
Insurance Adjuster Traps
If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, dealing with an insurance adjuster can be frustrating, but your rights as a victim are protected. The best way to avoid these is to consult a personal injury lawyer. They can advise you on the best course of action and avoid pitfalls that insurance adjusters often fall into.
The first insurance adjuster trap you should be aware of is when they contact you after the collision. These calls are usually recorded and are designed to catch you before you can properly evaluate the damages. These conversations are also a good opportunity for the adjuster to make you admit your fault. Avoid giving too much information, and seek legal counsel before answering any questions.
Next, the insurance adjuster may ask you for a recorded statement. Providing a recorded statement can hurt your case if your statement is inconclusive or distorted. Even minor inconsistencies can be used against you in the insurance claim. Avoid telling the adjuster about your problems, as it may lead them to believe you were distracted during the incident. Moreover, it could make you look like a willing accepter of a quick settlement.