Staying Safe From Vicious Dogs

Half of all dog bites involve a dog owned by someone that the victim knows, like a family member or neighbor. Additionally, of the 4.5 million people who suffer from dog bites in the U.S. every year, over half of the victims are children. With the potential for danger right around the corner, it is with great importance that all owners take the necessary precautions to control their dogs and educate their children on pet safety.

Van Sant Law has provided a short infographic detailing what you can do in the event of a dog bite, as well as what you can do to prevent them altogether. For more information on the topic, please see the accompanying guide.

Infographic courtesy of Van Sant Law, home to Atlanta’s injury attorneys

Posted in Law

Erica Isaiah

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Who is Responsible For Paying The Bills After an Auto Accident?

Wed Apr 12 , 2023
Oneofthemostpressingconcernsofpeopleinjuredinautoaccidentsiswhowillpaytheirbills.Ultimately,thenegligentindividual,business,company,orentitythatcausedtheaccidentmustcoveraninjuredparty’smedicalbillsandotherexpensesincurredduetotheaccident.However,theywillnotbepayingthesebills rightaway.Thismeansaninjuredpartyisresponsibleforpayingtheirbillsuntiltheyreceiveaninsurancesettlementfromtheliablepartyofadamagesawardincourt.Butthisdoesn’tapplyto: Workers’compensationclaims Auto accidents in no-fault states.Connecticut follows the at-fault auto insurance laws, so this doesn’t apply to accidents in CT. Accidents covered by basicreparations benefits (BRB)insurance,also knownas medical payments, benefits. This coverage is not mandatory in Connecticut, so many people don’t have them. Whenaninjuredpersonfilesaclaimwiththeseinsurancepolicies,theycansubmittheirmedicalbillsand othercoveredexpenses,andtheinsurancecompanywillpayforthemuptothepolicylimits. HowWill TheBills BePaid […]

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